Hydronic Terminals
Carrier series 42NH / NL fan convectors
Carrier 42NH and 42NL compact ducting units from Carrier are available in different sizes with 2…
Scopri42N Series CARRIER Fan Coils
Fancoil compliant with international standards EN60335-1 and EN60335-2-40 and the requirements of…
ScopriCARRIER 42GW Series Fan Convectors
Cassette type fancoil units with three-speed AC motor or EC motor with variable speed and low power…
ScopriCarrier series 42BJ fan convectors
The individual air-conditioning modules 42BJ (ICM) are compact air-conditioning units. Equipped…
ScopriTCU Series ROCCHEGGIAN Fan Convectors
The ductable terminals of the TCU series are the result of continuous research oriented to the…
ScopriFRC series ROCCHEGGIANI fan convectors
ScopriRavi Fredde ROCCHEGGIANI Series TS
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Air conditioning ideal for commercial or industrial environments, designed to obtain the best performance.