Via dei Lapidari, 17 - 40129 Bologna (+39) 051-4153611 Lun-Ven: 8:00-12:00 / 14:00-18:00 P.IVA: 00323250373 by Climarai Group
Le nostre soluzioni

Filler HONEYWELL NK 300 Soft


Electronic filling and disconnecting unit with cartridge

The Honeywell NK300SE-VE demineralisation unit facilitates the demineralisation of the heating water according to the DVI 2035 guidelines, sheets 1 and 2. The unit effectively eliminates limestone causing damage and malfunction in water heating systems ( EN 12828).
The combined automatic filling unit mounted at the inlet and based on a BA hydraulic disconnector protects the drinking water from the reflux of the heating water according to EN 1717.

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